Horoscope for July 26, 2012
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AdZe's Fortune CookieIt is time to live from your spiritual nature.
Current Influence of the Inner Planets
Each influence lasts from a day to several weeks.
Look your best. Ask for favors. Move ahead on personal priorities. Focus activity into one point.... Go with the flow. Be creative and sexy. Enjoy top notch professional entertainment.... Communication flows well. Organization and negotiation brings favorable agreements.... Your efforts can bring you recognition.
Current Influence of the Outer Planets
Each influence lasts from several weeks to a month or more. Become aware of the power of social skills.... It's easy to enjoy new duties and routines. You can improve your sense of well being. Take pleasure in new experience. Personal relations get better now.... You are challenged to be charismatic. Express your fantasies. Steer clear of hypersensitive folks.


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