Start your own business

BCS - Start your own business @ Rs.15,000

1.BPO/SEO Training & Course Certificate
2.Entrepreneur Training & Franchise Certificate
3.DIC/SSI Certificate
4.Yearly 200 students from various government projects & 300 students from Private for various course trainings
5.FREE Internet, SMS and paper ads bi-monthly FREE Website & Astrology software
7.Free 1000 visitng cards
8.Earn from “BCS Multi-way Business Technology” as Computer center, Browsing center, Software Company, Online Share trading office, DTP center, IT Incubator, University study center & online Exam center.
9.Selling more services and products of BCS ( Webdesign, Internet advertisements, All Databases, Web hosting, Trainings, Project reports, Directories, Application Softwares, BPO, Bulk SMS ads )
10.Get preference to Chance to invest in our innovative future projects.
11.Earn from online public services (Registration, verification, money transfer, bookings & bill payments) and google ads, computer jathagam
12.Earn from IT incubator services
13.Guide to Earn more money from specialized web application
14.Earn 50% profit money from government projects by EMD Amount Sharing (Refundable) without any work.
15.Life time free technical & loan guidance & email support

Welcomes any new ideas & suggestions


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