my article! my experience!

Attention for business owners, educational institutes, big companies, shop owners, software buyers & sales man!
  1. Do not buy any softwares done by VB or it is waste your money
  2. Do not buy embedded billing machines (not handheld machine that purpose is different) because you can buy a computer with software in that price and any people can service that and computer is multi purpose, but in billing machine that company only service
  3. Use website online eservices always and promote advanced technologies
  4. Do not ask more EMD in tender and don't prefer local companies give chances to new other companies, small companies also can do that work.
  5. Some government organization bargain again in tender quote also, very same already we quote very low because of tender.
  6. More government organizations cannot consider NSIC registration. it is now waste. Give importance to NSIC registration and respect government orders. then why should they charge for every 2 years. they will give a permanent registration certificate like DIC.
  7. and also do not believe English speaking only in marketing view their business reputation and service
  8. Do not place a internal/residential web designer for website maintenance. that is waste your money and furnitures. give outsource and relax. and this idea is may be useful for computer service engr recruitment.
    Salary & AMC comparison calculation:
    Webdesigner Min. salary = Rs.6000 x 12 months = Rs.72,000
    but company charges AMC for 12 months = Rs.10,000 only
    Service Engr:
    Min. Salary = Rs. 5000 x 12 = Rs. 60,000
    but company charges AMC for 12 months for 500 PC's= Rs.1000 x 500 = Rs. 5,00,000 only
  9. DO not give software projects to single man, students and small company for low cost, because they will not give full service support for a long time & they will go jobs for a higher salary, moreover they do not able to follow quality standards also. give orders to a company atleast stand for last 3 years.
  10. Request for job seekers and employees please be sure to work in a company for atleast 1 year. and do not waste time, training and resources of your trained company
  11. Register for ebills, epayment and ebrouchers, so that we reduce paper use and give more life to trees.
  12. We loss more in our business due to power cut/shutdowns & internet problems and virus problems
  13. do not waste business man time
  14. Do not ban technologies development paypal ban in indian transaction will a great drawback for all small IT companies
  15. Do not believe ads like 50% offer, free gifts, buy1 get 2 free,  and work from home earn more millions
  16. buy any product or service with bill and warranty. dont forget buy a bill with any purchase and keep it safe it will useful for sometime.
  17. do not purchase domain or web hosting from squarebrothers, manashosting companies, these very worst service and they have not any own servers and got many bad reviews in some sites...
Thanks to eservices provider and users


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